Janajati Empowerment Project (JEP) is a unique joint initiative between Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN) and Enabling State Programme (ESP)/ DFID started on 1st of September 2004. Initially proposed for a three year period, the project has been extended until December 2008. NEFIN is the project's apex organisation. NEFIN is involved in implementing, coordinating and monitoring project activities.
Project ObjectiveTo increase representation of Janajatis in socio-economic as well as political decision making processes.
Project ApproachThe central approach of the project is to build up the capacity of Nepal's Janajati organizations in order to lead to a stronger movement to oppose the marginalisation of Janajatis. This approach is being taken in recognition that it is Janajatis themselves who can make the biggest impact and sustain a movement for social change. A fundamental Janajati demand is that they want to be included in running the state and setting public agendas without having to be integrated into the Hindu caste, Nepali language, and Hindu religion status quo. The project will help to bring Janajatis into the mainstream of national development whilst respecting their right to maintain and strengthen their distinctive social, political, economic, and cultural characteristics. The project will also take a rights based approach to overcome Janajatis' problems.
Janajati civil society organisations in Nepal assert that Janajatis and other disadvantaged groups have the right to:
i. a proportionate influence in the affairs of the state and exercise control over their own economic, social, and cultural development;
ii. a proportionate share in the benefits of the state;
iii. have their culture, language and religions respected and included in the functioning of the state; and
iv. special treatment to bring their levels of development up to that of the dominant groups.
JEP has given a special emphasis over socio-economic empowerment of Highly Marginalised Janajati groups who are amongst the poorest of the poor and live in utter deprivation. A few of these groups are near physical extinction.
Major OutputsJEP works towards achieving the following main project outputs:
i. to strengthen Janajati organisations,
ii. to increase awareness about Janajatis amongst Janajatis and non-Janatatis
iii. to make decision makers more responsive to Janajati rights, and
iv. to strengthen Janajati's role in state policy-making.
Major ActivitiesJEP focuses on strengthening and working with NEFIN and Indigenous Peoples Organisations (IPOs) and District Coordinating Council (DCCs)
i) Institutional Strengthening
Training (leadership development, strategic planning, programme management, computer system, ToT)
Technical support to IPOs and DCCs
Exposure visits/ observation tours
ii) Awareness and Empowerment
Publish awareness raising materials on Janajati issues
Produce TV and radio programmes
Awareness raising campaigns (exhibitions, cultural
Publish newsletter, wall newspaper, feature articles
Support community FM radio stations to address Janajati
iii) Socioeconomic Empowerment of HMJs
Vocational and skill development trainings
Sanitation and hygiene programs
Scholarship programs
Infrastructure development
iv) Advocacy and Research
Consultations, lobbying, interaction, conference and talk programmes
Networking with donors, INGOs, NGOs, and GOs
Training for IPOs activists
Regional workshop to develop Janajati advocacy
strategy.Studies on discriminatory provisions of the constitution,
legal systems and national policy.Mobilisation of Janajati activities against discrimination and exclusionary institutions, policies and practices.
v) JEP's Pilot District Coordinating Council (DCCs) for Institutional strengthening
Jhapa, Mechi
Dhankuta, Koshi
Siraha, Sagarmatha
Solukhumbu, Sagarmatha
Sindhuli, Janakpur
Rupendehi, Lumbini
Baglung, Dhawalgiri
Pyuthan, Rapti
Surkhet, Bheri
Kanchanpur, Mahakali
JEP Field Offices
1. Birtamod, Jhapa
2. Lahan, Siraha
3. Narayanghat, Chitwan
4. Pyuthan, Pyuthan
5. Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur
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